
Estou extremamente incerto de mim mesmo. Parece que ando tropeçando em todos os meus sentimentos de um vez só. Também, estão todos espalhados no chão do meu coração.

Os Sofrimentos do Jovem Werther

Também, trato meu pobre coração como se fosse uma criança doente: dou-lhe tudo o que pede. Mas não diga a ninguém: há pessoas que não me compreenderiam.


Eu prefiro muito mais me afogar na minha insegurança do que me machucar fora dela.


Vamos paz, chegue logo que estou te esperando. Por favor, venha logo.


Fazia tempo que eu não tinha nós na garganta. Fazia tempo que eu não tinha vontade de chorar... Ela parece ter voltado a tona nesses ultimos dias.


Growing up

Laurence had just woken up when he noticed something quite queer. One of his eyes was gone. He thought it could be possibly hidden in the bed he was sleeping in, so he began to search into it. Haven't found his eyes, he stepped towards his wardrobe, opened its drawers and started unfolding all the clothes that were inside them desperately. Out of the sudden, his other eye popped out on top of the unfolded clothes that fell on the floor. No blood, no sign of wound. Just an eye popped out of its orbit. He picked the eye from the floor and started annalizing it. He found all that was going on quite queer, but kind of interesting. He just couldn't grasp, though, how his eye fell from his face and why it happened. Did it have a signification? Or was it something that just happens to everyone some time? Not having thought much, something began to bother the boy. It didn't quite hurt, but it itched. He, then, touched his face, the hollow his popped eyes have left and noticed that new eyes had grown. Laurence felt weird with his new eyes. He could look behind, something that have never happened to him before. He could remember of a memorable past. He had grown up.